Anoox non-profit Search engine & Social network, toward our collective goal of getting the Best answers out, getting the Truth out, based on "Crowd Wisdom", and being a vibrant Virtual community - gives members Free Traffic based on posting Questions/Discussions and Comments/Replies that are Liked by others.
And above all based on members Liking you & Following you
You can get Free Traffic by helping to get the best answers out, get the truth out, based on crowd wisdom
How does this work?
- When you post something (question, video, photo, etc). of type Public we inform members interested in this subject
- Your posts of type Public, depending how interesting they are, can result in 1000s and even Millions to read your post
- When you post good answers to member questions, you can establish yourself as an authority in that subject
- When you passionately discuss Today's issues, you can attract countless people who appreciate your replies
- Your nick-name is always linked at the top each post and an answer, so people can click on it to visit your Profile
- In your Profile you can list your Site URL and what products or services you are offering and hence get Free Traffic
People who Like you and Follow you result in your Trust Level
How does this work?
- Via your Anoox social network account People can Like you & Follow you
- People who Like you and Follow you become your Anoox Private Network ("APN")
- People on your APN will be notified of everything you post to your Anoox Book, that you do not mark as Personal
- The number of People Liking you and Following you less People who have Reported you or your posts, becomes your Anoox Trust Level
- Your Trust Level maps to your Anoox ranking
Between75 and 100
Between100 and 125
Between125 and 150
Between175 and 200
Between225 and 250
- The higher your Trust Level and resulting ranking, the more People will like you & follow you which can mean more free Traffic
- For example if you have 100,000 People in your APN, then when you post something, say a new Product release, a new Book you have published, a new Travel service you launched, a new Restaurant you opened, a new Web site you have launched, a new Poem you written, etc. etc., then this 100,000 People in your APN will be notified of your post, which will result in invaluable Free Traffic for you
Earn Free Traffic with every Question/Discussion and/or Comment/Reply you post that are Liked by others
Earn Free Traffic with every cool Photos & Videos you post to your
Anoox Book that are
Liked by others
Earn lots of Free Traffic based on People
Liking you and
Following you -
Post & Share
Join Discussions
FAQ about Anoox Free Traffic Program
Do I get Free Traffic by just becoming an Anoox member?
NO, not at all. You get Free Traffic as per the mechanisms listed above. In super summary you get Free Traffic based on how active you are on Anoox Social network & Search engine to
post interesting items, to answer member
questions, to discuss Today's issues and breaking news, to input what you know and like into Anoox search engine AND be liked by other members for what you have shared.
What are the Keys to getting more Free Traffic?
- Post interesting questions, discussions, videos, photos & polls
- The more people like your posts, the more Free Traffic
- On daily basis view and post replies to other member questions and posts
- The more good geniuine answers you post, the more Free Traffic
- Get people to Friend you and Follow you, the more Friends and Follows you have the more Free Traffic
- Do not post SPAM or Fake messages
How do I get more People to Follow me and Friend me?
- Post questions and discussions that are of high Public interest
- When there is a Breaking News, break it here on Anoox for discussions
- Share Videos and Photos that are captivating, highly entertaining, educational, Ah inspiring
- So that when other members view them, they will say "Hey I like this Guy or Gal.. I want to Follow them and/or Friend them"
- Inform your friend, family, co-workers etc. that you are sharing your ideas and experiences via Anoox non-profit Social network and invite them to check them out via your Anoox Book and to Follow you
NOTE: you get the URL to your Anoox Book from your member account dashboard
It sounds like I have to work to get Free Traffic. Is that the case?
Yes and No. So yes you have to work to earn Free Traffic as per mechanisms listed here. But No it is not real work, since what this all comes down to is to discuss via your Anoox Social network account issues you are expert in or are passionate about, and do so sincerely and genuinely.
Wouldnt I similary get Free Traffic from Facebook™, Twitter™, Linkedin™, Instagram™, etc. Social Networks?
Yes, but the amount of Free Traffic you can get from these Big for-profit Wall Street based Social Networks is minimal to Free Traffic you can get from Anoox non-profit Social network & Search engine due to these facts:
- When you post a public item we will inform members interested in this subject, something that these Big Wall Street based Social Networks do not do
- They will only inform those people that are Following you, something we do as well. But then we also inform people who are not Following you but are interested in this subject
- Since Anoox is an integration of Search engine & Social network, we can instantly add your public post to our search engine something that they cannot do
- These Big Social Networks are really there for bringing Free Traffic to the already Famous from Hollywood Celebrities to Star Athletes, to the Wall Street Rich, etc.;
whereas as a non-profit Social network we are dedicated to bringing Free Traffic to regular People and Small businesses on Main Street
What is the 1 secret to getting more Free Traffic from Anoox Social Networks?
Not to have as your prime motivation getting Free Traffic but have as your prime motivation helping others, by genuinely answering member questions and passionately discussing Today's issues, toward our collective Goal of making the World a better place via this one of a kind non-profit search engine & social network. So the Key to getting Free Traffic from Anoox on daily basis is based on others liking you which they will do or not, based on what you are sharing Daily via your Anoox account.
What if I want lots of Traffic at once and do not want to work for it by posting interesting questions and answers?
Then you want to
Buy Advertising - SAVING 50 to 90% on cost of Advertising since Anoox is the only non-profit Search engine & Social network.
Is the Anoox Free Traffic program the main reason behind Anoox membership?
NO, not at all. The Free Traffic program, is really the "icing on the Cake" of being an Anoox member. It is one of the many
benefits of being an Anoox member. And in fact for most of the members, they never think about it, but just benefit from it
when they make Anoox the Hub of their daily Lives.
Zero SPAM or Fake Message Policy